Changing the face of Medicine by empowering Medics through educational experiences.
Pioneering innovative solutions for a healthier African Continent.
ZedMedics is an organization that was created to support the advancement of healthcare in Zambia and other African countries. We believe healthcare is a fundamental human right. Therefore our goal is to pioneer innovative solutions, fostering a healthier African continent where every individual thrives, irrespective of socio-economic barriers.
Online Library
In our virtual library, medical students are granted entry to subject-specific textbooks and a variety of study aids. All your essential medical resources are consolidated in a singular and accessible platform for enhanced and convenient learning.
Global Electives for Medical Students and Graduates.
We provide international electives to medical students from Zambia and various African nations, offering them an opportunity to gain insights into healthcare systems that surpass those in their home countries.
Our objective is to enhance the quality of healthcare for both Zambians and Africans at large through the implementation of innovative solutions aimed at supporting and benefiting local communities.
“Quality healthcare is a fundamental entitlement for every individual, transcending socio-economic privileges. Our commitment persists in the ongoing struggle until every African gains access to such essential healthcare rights.”
— Nkunde, C - Founder of Zedmedics